Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code Download

Visual Studio Code supports several types of development, including JavaScript and Node.js. It allows developers to write code quickly with numerous features like syntax highlighting.

Software details

1.14 MB
Windows 11 / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

4 / 5. 1

Software Description

Visual Studio Code is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It includes support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets ,and many other features. It assists in the development processes. With Visual Studio Code, you can write various programming languages such as C#, Nodejs or HTML with ease. It provides a powerful set of features with great editing experiences.

For example, sharing projects across versions, integrating GitHub repository access within the IDE and customization flexibility options to match unique workflows needs. A robust toolbox assists developers during coding by providing static checking tools and manuals. It helps with reference material about various topics related to a selected editor language. Visual Studio Code allows downloading extensions from its marketplace to extend existing capabilities.


Debugging is a crucial feature of Visual Studio Code. It helps developers troubleshoot any code errors. Debuggers allow for breakpoints, single stepping ,and providing variable values. It enables issues to identify rapidly. VS Code provides extensive debugging capabilities out-of-the box with support for the major languages like Python, Javascript and Node.js/.NET Core etc. Using quick run options, developers can make changes to their code by running without restarting the process. Moreover, debug configurations can provide on specific development requirements. It allows better insight into the cause of application errors and improves problem-solving skillset.


IntelliSense is a great feature in Visual Studio Code that helps developers code faster and smarter. It provides auto-completion and quick info about classes, functions, variables, parameters and more. It also highlights mistakes so you can immediately make corrections. The real time coding help provided by IntelliSense lets the developers easily develop complex applications with ease.

Furthermore, it suggests better alternatives for typing that ensures less time spent on searching for right syntax or keywords to complete the task quickly. Another advantage of using IntelliSense is Immediate results which reduces debugging cycle significantly ,leading to the creation of bug free apps faster. In conclusion, IntelliSense significantly improves productivity of the development process by having an intelligent system as our assistant while developing complex solutions.

Intuitive User Interface

Visual Studio Code offers an intuitive user interface that simplifies the coding experience. From easy-to-navigate menus and icons to quick access to tools, it makes programming hassle free. Automatically arraying multiple panes on different sizes of monitor provides more space for work and improves productivity.

Additionally, moving around windows is a easy since they rock with consistent layout changes. It depends upon window size or contents displayed inside it. The code editor has syntax highlighting feature. It makes source codes easier to read by using different colors for various terms & functions in the program language being used. It also identifies types and other mistakes easily so developers don’t have to scratch their head again & again to find out where bugs are hiding in their codes.