VDownloader Download
VDownloader is all you need if you want to download videos from sites like Vimeo, Google Video, and YouTube. These sites have millions of fantasist and fun videos including funny clips, documentaries, music videos, and documentaries. However, it’s quite hard to download them and watch them offline, but with the help of VDownloader, you are assured of having watched all of this video comfortably.
Software details
Software Description
Vdownloader is software that allows you to download videos from almost any website which hosts them, YouTube being the most popular of its targets. With its simplicity more appealing than any of its other features, the downloader claims to be a self sufficient downloader for the lovers of videos. It surpasses the present necessity of browsers, making every download possible and safer through its own interface.
What’s New?
Vdownloader has plenty of features that are user friendly. Ranging from its simple interface that allows any customer to use it to its full potential, right down to the wide range of videos it can download, the application has been a quick success in its field. The best feature, however, is that of its “scheduler”, something that allows the users to decide the download schedule by themselves. That is to say, when the scheduler is set, downloads occur only at those times, saving most of the rest of your time for work. Most of the people have used this feature to set download schedules to weekends. The downloader comes with a search option, and is a particular favorite with YouTube videos, which have hitherto created a lot of problem being downloaded, thanks to the diverse bandwidths with which they are uploaded from all over the globe.
1. Scheduling facility is available, as already mentioned above.
2. The downloader has a small size and does not use up too much space.
3. It is very simple and easy to use and understand.
4. It is also able to convert the downloaded data into any format the user desires.
5. It is able to download many videos at once.
6. Most of the features of the application are free and easily accessible to the vast majority of the consumer base.
7. It utilizes RAM to a negligible extent only. This means that the speed of the downloader and that of the PC are not affected at all.
8. It understands about a dozen languages; therefore, most of the videos on YouTube can be downloaded and understood through this application.
1. Perhaps the biggest drawback is that the software is not flanked by any sort of user manual. This is a real prick because, although most users have not required one, the simple presentation of software floating around without the crutches of a manual is not good enough.
2. The explanation of test download is ambiguous. One would have to Google it to understand.
3. If used to alter a certain proxy setting, it can cause problems.
This is easy enough to decide. Apart from a few drawbacks, the Vdownloader application is, no doubt, amongst the best there is for most of us who simply love to watch and download videos. The application has been rated an impressive 8 out 10 by majority of the reviews, which is a reflection of the success of the manufacturers. The absence of a manual seemed not to have marred its image, because at the end of the day, it is the performance that counts.