
Stellarium Download

Stellarium is a free, open-source planetarium app that simulates the night sky on your computer. It helps users explore stars, planets, and constellations with realistic views and educational tools. Suitable for all ages, it is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Software details

156 MB
Android / Linux / mac / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

4.2 / 5. 6

Software Description

Stellarium, a planetarium application, for open source replicates the night sky on your computer screen. It assists individuals in discovering stars, planets and other celestial entities. Astronomers, educators and enthusiasts utilize this app to expand their knowledge of the universe.

Upon launching Stellarium you are greeted with a view of the sky. The main interface displays a map featuring stars, planets and constellations. This view adjusts according to your location and time settings mirroring the actual night sky accurately.

Exploring the sky is made easy by clicking and dragging with your mouse. This functionality enables users to gaze around and investigate sections of the sky effortlessly. Additionally zooming in or out allows for a look or broader perspective on stars or planets.

Stellarium boasts a search feature that lets you input the name of a star, planet or constellation to pinpoint its location in the sky. The app highlights the selected object. Provides information, about it. This tool aids in understanding objects and their spatial placements.

The application showcases constellations from backgrounds. Users can switch between sets of constellations to observe how varying cultures interpret these arrangements. This aspect offers an enriching experience by shedding light on astronomys significance.

Stellarium comes with a feature that lets you control time. You can speed up. Rewind time to witness the changes, in the sky. This functionality is handy for tracking the movements of stars and planets over periods. Additionally you have the option to set the app to display the sky at any date and time whether in the past or future.

Moreover Stellarium supports telescope control enabling you to connect it to a computer guided telescope for locating objects in the sky. This capability is particularly beneficial for hobbyist astronomers facilitating observations of entities.

Another useful aspect of Stellarium is its night mode, which alters screen colors to hues minimizing disruption to your night vision. This feature proves advantageous when using the app outdoors during activities allowing you to gaze at stars without compromising your ability to see in low light conditions.

Furthermore Stellarium offers functionalities such as meteor showers, eclipses and satellite tracking. Users can check out events and preview how they will appear in the sky using these features. Such tools aid in planning observations. Gaining insights into occurrences.

Stellarium is compatible with Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems—its cross platform support ensures accessibility among users. The app boasts a user interface, for beginners while also providing advanced settings tailored for seasoned stargazers.

Stellarium stands as a planetarium application that realistically simulates the heavens.

Stellarium provides users of all ages, with tools to explore stars, planets and constellations. Its features include search options, time control functions and support, for telescopes offering an educational experience.