Spyrix Personal Monitor Download
Spyrix Personal Monitor is a preferred Windows application to track down the activities that are performed on particular computers. Whether you are an employer or a parent, it is a secure method of checking activities of your employers and children respectively. It displays the information about all activities performed so you can take required actions.
Software details
Software Description
Spyrix Personal Monitor is a solution for monitoring the activities being performed in your computer. It is recommended to use it only on those systems for which you are authorized in order to avoid breaching of security laws. The software is usually used by parents to keep an eye on their children or by heads of organization to improve productivity of workers. It is a licensed product that can be evaluated 5 days for free. It is a multilingual tool that helps you monitor your system in multiple ways. It is an advanced tool that captures necessary information without letting the user become aware of it.
Spyrix Personal Monitor tracks various types of activities and displays information through Event Log. Keyboard events, screenshots, webcam snapshots, sound recording, webcam video, clipboard value, web pages visited, search queries, alerts, site blocker, social network activity, IM activity, user activity and programs activity are the categories that contain details of activities performed. The Event log maintains records separately for each user account. You can access the information for Administrator, default account, guest or specific user accounts.
The settings tab lets you specify preferences for various functionalities. Interface section is dedicated for software layout. Here you can choose language, theme, startup options and password. Log delivery section deals with online monitoring and lets you select settings for Email clients, FTP servers, Local network, Google Drive and Dropbox. Using Event log section, you can choose the activities that you want to monitor and can specify timings with Computer Activity option. Alerts can be enabled for warnings, while Scheduler can automate tasks. Furthermore, site blocker helps you surf web in a safe manner.
Remote Monitoring:
A benefit of Spyrix Personal Monitor is that the observing of targeted computer can be carried out from remote locations. For this purpose, it provides a web account to administrator with a password. By entering this password, user can check the activities from anywhere. This account is accessible form multiple devices including computer, laptop, mobile phone and other portable devices. If you want to uninstall the software from PC, you can do so from your web account without letting the user know about it.
Spyrix Personal Monitor PRO Features:
Keystrokes logger is a reliable method of tracing the keys that were pressed. The activities are recorded through camera and mic or live screen can be viewed to see active applications. Screenshots are also captured for the desktop, whereas webcam is used for taking snapshots of ongoing activities. Microphone can be used for saving audio from different applications. Despite performing these tasks, the software remains hidden from users of targeted PC. It is not displayed in task manager due to support of invisible mode. Furthermore, no common antivirus software can detect its presence.