SoftEther VPN Download
A potent, multi-protocol, open-source VPN solution offered by SoftEther VPN was developed for flexibility and security, being an affordable way for protection of privacy and bypassing internet restrictions.
Software details
Software Description
SoftEther VPN is a VPN client that provides network security through multiple means. It is an open source free tool developed at the University of Tsukuba as Master’s thesis project in 2014. SoftEther VPN can be used by Windows, iOS, Mac, Android, FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris OS users. It is a multilingual tool available in English, Japanese and Chinese languages. It is a fast working solution that can prove to be equally useful for both home and business users. SoftEther VPN enables you to create private networks for performing secure communication with websites. It is a low resource consuming application whose interface is user friendly.
Connection Establishment:
Setting up a new VPN connection is simplified due to clear instructions of SoftEther VPN. You can quickly connect to available networks in a single click or create new connection after choosing certain properties. Host name, port number and virtual hub name are required for destination server. Proxy server can be added by importing existing settings. Server certificate can be validated for enhanced security. User Authentication settings and advanced communication settings also help you with reliable functioning.
Network Speed Test Tool:
SoftEther VPN helps you find out the speed at which data communication is currently taking place. The data is transmitted in the form of packets and the path is defined by TCP/IP protocol. It helps you gain maximum throughput for efficient data transfer and assists in determining the available bandwidth. You can use it on both Test server and Test client systems for testing of VPNs and physical networks. On test server you need to specify just TCP port number. On test client, apart from port number, other data including destination test server host name, no. of parallel connections and configuration options are to be added.
The settings of SoftEther VPN can be modified via Options menu. You can enable remote management of client system if you wish to access it from any other device. However, it is recommended to set password to enforce security. If you intend to keep network active even when no activities are being carried out, then you can enable the operation to automatically send dummy data packets on specified address. For this purpose, port number, packet send interval and desired protocol must be entered. The transparency of user interface can be chosen for keeping an eye on the tasks running in background.
SoftEther VPN provides support for VPN, SSL, SSTP, Open VPN and L2TP/IPsec network protocols. It is a suitable choice for office employees who often work from home and therefore need to access their PCs from remote locations. Basically it uses a virtual network adapter that helps you connect your system to VPN servers. It comes equipped with a client manager GUI through which remote monitoring is possible.