Nero CoverDesigner Download
Nero CoverDesigner 2018 is developed by the German software development organization, Nero AG. It is a designing utility that helps you draw and design the professional and eye catching covers of CD, DVD and Blu-ray disks that have been burned with videos. It includes a lot of objects, fonts and templates with variable dimensions that can be customized easily with the help of various tools. You can also import images and text from external devices and then edit them for making personalized disk covers.
Software details
Software Description
Nero CoverDesigner includes various templates and lets you create your own ones too for flexible designing of CD covers. It includes handy tools through which you can enter required text and draw new designs. It is compatible with all audio CD burning tools and lets them use its created designs. The designs are not only created for disks, but it also creates separate covers for CD booklets and inlays. It supports LightScribe and LabelFlash technologies to paste images on modern disks.
Document Creation:
You can create new documents by selecting the type of disk for which you are designing a cover. The disk types and sizes can be chosen from the available options of standard size, DVD case, DVD slim case, BD case, BD slim case, multi box, maxi, slim pack, mini CD, Biz card, full template and custom sizes. The designing can be done with Standard tools, modern tools or with the help of your templates. For creating templates, you need to choose the shape of disk, enter number of disks.
Nero CoverDesigner menu bar enables you to create, save and open covers, preview and print covers, change templates and backgrounds, adjust the display of different bars according to your liking, insert and arrange objects, manage properties, add document data and keep the window settings that are most suitable for the targeted disk. You can choose different brands of A4 and letter size pages from the drop down menu to design the covers of your disks. You can separately create designs for disks, CD booklets and CD inlays.
Nero CoverDesigner includes many tools that you can use for customizing your designs. You can use selection tool, draw lines, rectangle and ellipse, use artistic text tool, enter simple text with text box tool, use track list tool, use directory tool, enter images with image tool and enter information about the disk with field tool. You can set various properties of text tool such object bend, font style, pens, brushes, images and text and can import text from comments. You can zoom into or out of the image to work with efficiency and to ensure that the location of objects is not out of order.
System Requirements:
Nero CoverDesigner is a free product that can run on Microsoft Windows operating system. Its different versions are compatible with Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. The basic system requirements include 2 GHz processor with 1 GB RAM and 5 GB free hard disk space for enabling the software to run easily.