Mendeley Desktop Download
Mendeley Desktop is an intuitive reference management software for researchers and students. It helps organize, synchronize, cite, and manage academic research documents.
Software details
Software Description
Mendeley Desktop has comprehensive features which make it easy to organize large numbers of PDFs into a single library. It creates folders or collections based on specific search criteria. The My Library view allows users to quickly add new documents while searching mendeley’s catalogue for content relevant to their work. Mendeley offers convenient plug-ins for Microsoft Office and LibreOffice. It allows seamless transition between text editing applications & your Mendeley account. Finally, with its sharing option built right into the application, this revolutionary reference manager helps one collaborate with peers.
Reference Management System
Mendeley Desktop is an excellent and versatile research tool that provides users with a powerful reference management feature. Researchers can easily organize, store, access, and intuitively share their bibliographic references.
Mendeley’s advanced search abilities, also make it easy for users to look up any item they need quickly and efficiently. Moreover, many software developers can easily use its integrated citation plugin compatibility with Word processors like MS Word or LibreOffice Writer.
Full-Text Search
Mendeley Desktop offers a powerful full-text search feature which helps researchers easily find the information they need from their library. It enables users to filter out unwanted documents, retrieve search results instantly and save multiple searches for later use. This can be very useful when searching through large libraries of content.
The full-text search provides more detailed control over the results rather than relying on text keywords. Some options include limiting results by author name and metadata fields such as date published or research domain. Mendeley Desktop’s full-text search allows synonym matching ,which automatically expands a query to include similar words related to it. It helps to increase the accuracy of searches significantly.