McAfee WebAdvisor

McAfee WebAdvisor Download

Internet is still considered an unsafe place because many websites attempt to steal user information or inject harmful content into PCs. McAfee WebAdvisor is a reliable solution that guides you regarding this matter and ensures secure internet browsing.

Software details

12.9 MB
Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

4 / 5. 1

Software Description

McAfee WebAdvisor performs detailed analysis and generates reports on the basis of collected information. This report is helpful in determining the credibility of website and helps you in deciding whether you should visit it again or not. Basically it is a browser plugin that is integrated with selected web browsers and can be accessed through icon in menu bar.

Website Reputation:

Upon choosing the option named View Site Report, McAfee WebAdvisor opens a new tab where you can view the report about chosen webpage. The web reputation shows the security level which can be minimal risk, unverified, medium risk or high risk. The indication is made clear with the help of suitable colors so that you can determine it at a glance. Moreover, Threat Detail section also tells about the safety of website. It displays the category of business and the details of any active threats. This tool helps you stay safe from malware attacks when you want to download any file or just view content.


A number of settings can be customized by visiting the options of software. Here you can specify the trusted webpages that are considered most secure against all kinds of malware. You can also maintain the list of blacklisted sites which are expected to contain harmful content. Password protection can be enabled to decrease vulnerability and enhance immunity against hackers. Appropriate option can be chosen about search results so that you can view safe websites in specific search engines. However, if you are not satisfied with the selected settings, you can reset them to default values.

Real Time Protection:

McAfee WebAdvisor, previously known as McAfee SiteAdvisor, is a trusted name in the field of online security. It contains a firewall that ensures protection from attacks by hackers or spies. It keeps an eye on search engines as well as requested websites. It checks the reliability of webpage before allowing the user to access it. The processes are carried out quickly to avoid lagging. It is compatible with all popular browsers and you can embed it with them to enable Firewall safety.

Secure Browsing:

The major benefit of the application is that it prevents access to harmful website links that are clicked intentionally or accidentally. It is capable of correcting the links of websites if there are any spelling errors. Some websites contain download links of files; this software can be used to scan those links and make sure that the downloaded content will not negatively affect your system.

McAfee WebAdvisor is an efficient internet security tool with which you can keep your online experience safer than earlier. It assists you in avoiding potentially harmful websites by skimming through their content and pointing out presence of malware. It is a useful browser add-on in terms of functions, but its accuracy is under question.