Debian Download
Debian is a free open source operating system for which you need not to pay any license fee. You can install it from internet and then install it on your system hard drive in a simple way with the help of installation wizard. This OS is compatible with a lot of free software. It comes with a lot of features. The main purpose of its development was to help the computer users with a free operating system that they can download from internet or can get it from any other aource for free and can benefit from its qualities.
Software details
Software Description
Operating System is fundamental software for running a computer system. Without its presence, a system becomes useless. Its installation is sometimes felt difficult by the new users but after a few tries they can understand the process completely. Debian is a Universal Operating System that has its interface similar to UNIX operating system and takes some of the features from Linux OS. It is available in three different modes or stages with slightly different settings, named as Stable, testing and Unstable.
Debian is an open source operating system that is developed and updated by many different developers in different times. Due to its availability in 73 most used languages, it can be used by a lot of users in the languages they understand. It was launched initially in September 1993 and many of its updates have been released after that, with the latest update being launched in January 2016.
You can install many free software packages on Debian operating system. Some of them are LibreOffice, Evince document viewer, K3b disk burner, Iceweasel web browser and a lot of other tools. It lets you select desktop front end environments from multiple available options, manage the software packages, resolving dependence of packages to repositories via its APT tools and offers multimedia support. But multimedia sometimes creates problems in running due to some technical issues.
Requirements for Installation:
There are three requirements for Debian install. You must have a good internet connection, a disk imaging software and a writeable disk. First of all shift all of you data to another place for making it safe. Then visit their official website for downloading of their virus-free setup files. Download the installation image from their site and then burn it on an empty CD with the help of a reliable software. But make sure that the files and image that you are downloading are compatible with your system specifications.
Installation Wizard:
For the booting of system you will be required to restart your computer while having the image burned disk in your DVD/CD ROM. Upon restarting you will be automatically directed to the Installation Wizard. You can test the operating system first in Live mode by running it directly from DVD without overwriting your hard drive. It is a good option for trying the operating system but it will work at a slower pace. After you are satisfied you can install it by following the instructions of installation wizard.