Baidu Antivirus Download
Baidu antivirus is a software that fights dangerous viruses and malware. The developer is a famous Chinese company by the name Baidu. Truly it’s playing a vital role in maintaining computers from online threats.
Software details
Software Description
Baidu Antivirus is one of the most effective free antivirus programs that are easy to use, as it has simple and user-friendly interface. It contains rich features that help in saving your data from external threats, as it offers continuous protection. It is expected that Baidu Antivirus will take the place of the paid version of Norton and McAfee. Let’s have a look at the positive aspects of this antivirus software.
- Baidu Antivirus has the ability to scan Webpages, downloaded files and the USB devices for any sort of virus threat.
- It also works with different antivirus programs, which are already installed on your device, on different operating systems like XP, Vista and Windows 8 & 10.
- The special quarantine sandbox has the ability to check different programs and files, through a protective shell. The good thing about this protection is that the harmful content cant access your files or programs stored on the computer
- It also prevents different malicious programs from accessing your system stored files and changing the settings of your browser
- There is a special option for scanning each and every file that is new on your device or you can choose to scan only a few special files that are suspicious.
- Most of the USB devices are auto played, but this software carries a special software that can disable the auto play feature
- Baidu Antivirus also protects critical system files like the Windows Registry and all other similar files. You can also secure downloaded files, in the same manner from external threats
- Don’t worry if, you are tired of the popup and alert notification sounds. There is a special silent mode that can still handle schedule scanning, internet protection and suppress pop-ups. You can check the notification menu later on
- There is a special traffic monitor that can reveal the list of programs being used by any network
- This program can be installed quickly
- It is very easy to use
- All of the definition and program updates are carried out automatically
- Scans are held regularly according to a proper schedule
- Also offers complete flash drive protection
- During your internet browsing potentially harmful links are avoided completely
- Also offers context menu integration
- There is a special firewall that prevents hackers from carrying out their malicious activities
- The software files are not heavy and thus, don’t put a burden on your system resources
- Several existing programs, on your system, can be protected by passwords of your choice
- It also supports silent mode
- There is no email scanner for any virus threads or spam threads prevailing online
The bottom line
Baidu Antivirus is fast becoming one of the most wanted antivirus software out in the market. It installs very quickly, offers a great range of protection and is all free to use. The good thing is that it also includes webcam protection in its security features.