Avast Clear

Avast Clear Download

Avast Clear efficiently removes leftover Avast product files to improve system performance and free up space.

Software details

9.4 MB
Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

3 / 5. 1

Software Description

Avast Clear is very useful when you wish to delete computer software. Deleting the software via Control Panel can only uninstall it from computer but its settings and temporary files are not affected. In order to free system memory and improve the performance of your PC, it will prove to be extremely helpful.

There are times when you uninstall an unwanted file from your computer, in order to free up valuable space. Now you may think that it would get rid of that program completely, but that’s not the case. Certain remnants of the software that you don’t need are always left behind on the hard drive. So, if you want to erase all the leftover traces, what you need is Avast Clear. This tool has been designed to remove unwanted files and data that have stayed behind after the uninstallation process.

For starting off, you will have to run your program through the standard uninstaller, and only then will the Avast tool be able to work on it. Also, if you have some sort of anti-malware software installed, Avast Clear may be flagged as a suspicious file, but don’t worry because it’s completely safe and beneficial for your system. In any case, Avast Clear is a handy tool that helps you clean up after a messy uninstall and keep your system in control.

To install Avast Clear on the system, its setup can be downloaded from official website via internet. The downloading process takes up a very short time. Once the setup is downloaded on the system, you can use it. The software runs only in Safe Mode. The reason is that it targets the software files and folders in the system drive and if Safe Mode is not turned on then important System files can be deleted my mistake. This may cause the operating system to stop working. To tackle this issue, Safe Mode is used for ensuring that the working of your system remains unaffected.

User Interface:

The software has a clean user interface that increases its usability. All it contains is a single display screen which has a few options to choose. The user needs to choose the system directory of the programs that need to be deleted. The targeted folders should direct to the location where Avast programs were installed and where the data files are present. Furthermore, the version of these programs should be selected from the drop down menu. However, the users have the facility available that they can leave the boxes unchanged if they are not sure and Avast Clear itself will find the locations and software versions.


Avast Clear can be translated to a large number of languages. If user wants to change the language of the software then they can find this option at the top of the software home screen.

  • very easy to use due to simple options.
  • It can effectively remove all Avast Antivirus applications including Antivirus tools that often leave behind their traces in system even if they have been uninstalled.
  • compatible with all editions of Avast products including Avast Premier, Home, Professional, Server and many others.

To be precise, Avast Clear is a very useful tool that helps you erase the Avast products completely from your system.

  • recommended to use the system in Safe Mode when using this application for avoiding any unnecessary issues.
  • quickly clear all the software from targeted locations in no time and consumes limited system resources.
  • remove all the traces of installed software to release occupied system memory and enables you to install new versions without interference of previously installed settings.

The software is preferred due to easy to use functionalities and accurate results.