
Audible Download

Audible is the leader in the world of audiobooks and spoken word entertainment, where they have volumes in various genres for you to listen to on all your devices.

Software details

1.6 MB
Android / mac / Windows PC

5 / 5. 1

Software Description

Audible is the premier provider of audiobook and spoken word entertainment. Founded in 1995 and is now one of the most prolific audiobook publishers in the world, it is owned by Amazon. The users are able to buy and then stream audiobooks and other audio performances using the platform.

In addition, the comprehensive library of Audible comprises of hundreds of thousands of titles. It is composed of different types of genres i.e. literature, business, romance, self-help, among others. Such variety appeals to a broad range of listeners, so something is available for everyone.

Additionally, with Audible, users can download titles to their devices. This even allows for listening to audiobooks offline, which is great for those who are commuting or traveling. Its compatibility with iOS, Android. Windows phones, and Amazon devices adds to the accessibility of the Audible app.

Also, Audible has different membership packages. Such plans also include monthly credits, special discounts on subsequent purchases, and a selection of Audible Originals. The value of membership benefits implies user involvement that benefits the community and regular listeners.

With regard to unique features, Audible involves “Whispersync for Voice.” This feature will enable users to shift easily from reading a Kindle book to hear the correlating audiobook without losing their place. This melding of reading and listening brings about a positive user experience.

Next, Audible is not only for personal pleasure. It serves educational as well as literacy purposes and provides learning by having in its stock numerous educational titles. It makes an important resource for learners of all ages, advocating literacy via aural learning techniques.