
Aegisub Download

Aegisub is a free, open-source tool for creating and editing subtitles with advanced features.

Software details

19.92 MB
mac / Windows 11 / Windows PC

5 / 5. 1

Software Description

Aegisub is a software that is used to put subtitles into visual media. Subtitling visual media involves numerous tasks, including matching up subtitle placement with audio. Software can simplify subtitling and improve the quality of subtitling that is displayed with visual media.


The Aegisub software is free to use. It is an open-source tool that can be used across different platforms. This subtitle is most frequently used in a non-professional capacity. It is popular as a “fansubbing” tool, which means that fans voluntarily subtitle visual media using it. With this subtitling software, fans can create high quality subtitles without having to invest a lot in software.

Aegisub can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It is available in 17 different languages.

Syncing subtitles with audio

The Aegisub software simplifies the process of timing the placement of subtitles so that subtitles match up properly with audio. The software also makes it possible for the user to style subtitles in a variety of ways.

Users of Aegisub are able to process timing with different processing bindings. These include Avisynth and FFmpeg. The software can be used along with various scripting languages such as the MoonScript language. However, Aegisub was written in three languages: C++, C, and Lua.

The quality checking features of Aegisub help to automatically ensure that subtitles are properly syncing with audio. The quality checking feature assists users in quickly and efficiently creating high quality subtitles. This tool can let the user know of any apparent errors in syncing that can then be corrected.

Karaoke timing

In addition to standard subtitling timing, Aegisub can also offer karaoke timing. This feature makes it so that karaoke videos can be created that display song lyrics. This will conveniently place lyrics within the video. Viewers can sing along with music using the text that shows them the lyrics.

File types

Aegisub is a versatile subtitling tool that is designed to recognize all of the most frequently used subtitle file types. These include ass, srt, susa, sub, ass, mks, and mkv files.

Another helpful feature of the tool is the translation assistant feature. With this feature, users can efficiently transcribe subtitles on different lines.

The subtitle format

The subtitle format used natively with this software is known as Advanced SubStation Alpha. This is the feature which makes it possible to position and style subtitles. It is easy to export subtitles from this format into other common formats. For example, subtitles can be exported from Advanced SubStation Alpha to the SubRip format. However, transfers only save the raw text and timing and lose other features.

Use with other software tools

The Aegisub software can be used along with other tools. For example, the software can be used with Adobe After Effects tools. Adobe After Effects can be used to add various typesetting features to files that are created with the software.


Aegisub was first released in 2014 on December 8th. It was developed by Niels Martin Hansen and Rodrigo Braz Monteiro. It has a 3-clause BSD license.

Those looking for a free subtitling tool can check out Aegisub. This software is a great way to create professional-quality subtitles without purchasing expensive software. That’s why it has become a standard in fansubbing. The software is easily accessible and intuitive to use. I